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Is designed to help professionals explore possibilities for collaboration with Slovene cultural organisations. Here you can find information on cultural producers, venues, festivals and support services in Slovenia, and download images,. Take a look and make a connection! Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana. Emona, Legacy of a Roman City. Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana. Creative Europe in Slovenia, 2017.
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Z letom 2010 se je Inštitutu za slovensko narodopisje ZRC SAZU iztekla pogodba o Koordinatorstvu varstva žive kulturne dediščine. Spletna stran bo ostala na spletu kot dokument inštitutskega projekta in kot vir informacij za vse, ki živo kulturno dediščino ustvarjajo ali preučujejo. V kateri lonec ne moreš vode naliti? .
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